What People Are Saying


“My skin is looking GOOD! I’m so happy I didn’t have to go on Accutane.”

— Chloe, Los Angeles

“My acne has gotten better every month. My skin hasn’t looked this clear in years.”

— Hannah, Los Angeles

“The supplements you recommended have really helped my skin. I had a feeling a holistic approach would work!”

— Anonymous, Los Angeles

“I was thinking about what life was like before we started working together and I realized my digestion has completely transformed. I’ve also lost at least ten pounds, my mind feels much clearer and my skin has improved.”

— Mary, Los Angeles

“Dr. Denniston is amazing! She helped me get off hormonal birth control and helped clear my skin after doing so! Highly recommend her for women’s health. She is incredibly thorough and thinks about the body in a unique and refreshing way.”

— Rachel, Los Angeles

“I had been trying to get my period back for a couple of years. After working with Dr. Denniston I got my period back in a few months.”

— Nicole, San Diego

“I feel so much better after starting your treatment protocol. I can sleep better through the night, my hot flashes are reduced, and I feel like myself again.”

— Diana, Pasadena


“I just wanted to let you know I’m no longer waking up in the middle of the night with abdominal pain. My digestion is finally normal for the first time in a year!”

— Anonymous, Los Angeles

“I love seeing all the improvements! I’m so happy to be feeling so much better!”

— Anonymous, Los Angeles


“I didn’t know my irritability was stemming from my hormones. I learned a lot during our consultations and the treatment helped. I feel like I like myself again.”

Jessica, Los Angeles